Praying Partners #51 (J)

Dear Praying Partners,

This is a ministry report of brother Thang Suan Khai (Alumni of South East Asia Bible College) translated by brother Kap Cin Thang.

Gospel Trip: Alan-ok

Missionary brother Kap Do Nang, some other believers and I had a Gospel trip to Alan-ok, Irrawaddy Division for two days last March. We preached the Gospel to unbelievers and some nominal Christians. Some of them realized that salvation cannot be earned by human efforts but by the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. BUT they did not make decision to accept Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Please pray with us for the salvation of those who have heard the Gospel.

Gospel trip to Alan-ok
Gospel trip to Alan-ok

Summer Youth Camp in Kale town:

By the grace of God, I had the wonderful opportunity of getting involved in the Summer Youth Camp held in Kale town from March 28 – April 1st, 2016. The camp was attended by over 200 young people. I led small groups and taught the Gospel to some young people who did not have the assurance of Salvation, and Christian life to those who already have the assurance of salvation. By God’s grace, more than 50 of the campers accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord during the camp.

Sharing the gospel with Buddhists
Sharing the gospel with Buddhists
A small group playing games
A small group playing games

Child Evangelism Mission (CEM):

Some faculty, alumni and students of South East Asia Bible College (CEM Team) and I conducted Children Summer Children Camps at Kan Oo village from April 28-30, 2016.

Summer camp at Kan-Oo Village
Summer camp at Kan-Oo Village

Prayer Requests:

Please pray for:

1) The salvation of those people who have heard the Gospel

2) The spiritual growth of those new converts

3) The Lord’s clear guidance for new mission fields.

Thank you very much for your continued prayers.

In Christ,

Thang Suan Khai