January Praying Partners Newsletter #48 (A)

Dear praying partners,

Happy New Year! I am sending ministry reports of SEABC Alumni who are doing Evangelism and Church planting in different places in Myanmar. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the equipping and training ministry of Southeast Asia Bible College.

Report from Bro. Zaw Boung (Shwepyethar, Yangon Division):

We had a Gospel Meeting in Shwepyethar from November 15th to November 22nd, 2015. We had a teaching session in the day time. The meeting was attended by 24 people. By the work of the Holy Spirit, 16 of those people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and took believer’s water baptism on November 22nd, 2015. Below is Brother Zaw Boung baptizing the new converts.

There was a gospel meeting in Shwepyethar, where 16 people accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Personal Evangelism:

Brother Zaw Boung sharing the gospel
Brother Zaw Boung sharing the gospel

Brother Zaw Boung usually does the personal evangelism. He had a wonderful privilege to share the gospel to Mr. Aye Maung (who is 40 years old) in October, 2015. After understanding he is a sinner by birth and cannot do good things all the time, he accepted Jesus Christ, who paid the wages of his sin on the cross and rose again on third day, as his personal Savior and Lord on October 21st, 2015. (Photo – Right the corner)

Give thanks for:

1) The new converts
2) Myanmar Bibles which the Lord provided for believers who do not have bibles

Prayer Requests:

1) Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of those 16 new converts.
2) Please pray for the effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach ministry and
church planting.
3) Please pray that the Lord will provide a worship place (church building).

Gospel Meeting & Sunday School Christmas:

The gospel meeting and Children Christmas were both held at Mee-thwechauk village, Delta area on December 20th, 2015. By the grace of God, many of them listened to the Christmas message (the Gospel). Please continue to pray for the salvation of those people, who are Buddhists.

Christmas gospel message was shared at Mee-thwe-chauk village.
Children Christmas at Mee-thwee-chauk village, Delta area (December 20, 2015)

Children Christmas 2